
It is important for children and caregivers to have a schedule for the day, but it is also important that the schedule be flexible and adaptable. Using techniques to establish routines – such as physical environment manipulation coupled with songs – will be used to help ease transitions and help children know what to expect.

Here is the tentative daily schedule:

Approx. Time Activity Description
7:00 AM Children start to arrive and are greeted by their friends and Jen
7:30 AM Children wash their hands and sit at the table for a nutritious breakfast. Afterwards, children wash their hands and help clean up after themselves. Anyone who already completed these tasks will have free play until the next activity.​
8:30 AM Preschoolers transition to circle time with the circle song. Toddlers may join in.
9:00 AM Children transition to free play and small group activities.
10:30 AM Preschoolers and toddlers will help set the table and prepare their food as developmentally appropriate. Children will wash up before lunch.
11:00 AM A nutritious family-style lunch will be served. Afterwards, children wash their hands and help clean up after themselves. Anyone who already completed these tasks will have free play until the next activity.​
12:00 PM Children dress appropriately for outside play, if outside play is safe, and go outdoors.
1:00 PM Children transition back indoors for nap and/or quiet time.
2:30 PM Children wash their hands and sit at the table for a nutritious snack. Afterwards, children wash their hands and help clean up after themselves. Anyone who already completed these tasks will have free play until the next activity.​
3:00 PM Preschoolers (and toddlers as developmentally appropriate) have table time with arts, science, or math activities.
3:30 PM Children transition to free play and small group activities.
4:45 PM Children gather for clean-up time and closing activities.
5:00 PM All parents should have picked up their children/program is closed.